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Link Form

Links can be entered by anyone and there can only be one link per email address.  Once you submit your link you will receive an email with a link to confirm your email address.  Only appropriate links will be accepted.  Therefore, NO XXX or adult site links will be accepted.  Acceptance is at VendorsInc total discretion.  If a link submission is not accepted, you will be notified.  VendorsInc will from time to time randomly verify our link is active on your site.  If we can not locate our link, your link will be removed from VendorsInc.  We believe in fair exchange.

All links have a 90 life on VendorsInc. Therefore, to keep your link active, you will be contacted via email 20 days prior to expiration via email informing you to refresh your link.  Why all this? we are interested in linking to quality sites and active sites.  Sites come and go and dead links take up drive space and only frustrate people when they click on them. Hence, we have chosen to develop a refresh program for linking.  It really is simple for you and it keeps all the links and information up to date.

Enter all the required information below. In order for VendorsInc to accept your link, you must place a link to our home page on your website.  Once we receive the form information below, we will review the information, visit your site to confirm our link and we will activate your link.  Really simple!!! 

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